
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: BE A BUS DRIVER!  Byron Center Public Schools is looking for bus drivers. We offer on the job training! Click here to apply.

Byron Center Public Schools mission is to provide the safest, most reliable transportation for students in a timely manner.

Did you know the school bus is 27 times safer as a mode of transportation to and from school than an automobile?

PDF DocumentRules
Google FormsChild Care Transportation Form

About Us

Our staff consists of 33 professional and continuously trained certified school bus drivers, five substitute bus drivers, one full-time mechanic, one dispatcher and one Transportation Director.

Byron Center Public Schools covers approximately 40 square miles and the school buses travel approximately 1,930 miles every day transporting about 2,550 students twice daily.

Byron Center Public Schools has a two-tier bus routing system. The first tier is for all intermediate, middle and high school students. The second tier is for all elementary students. For students' protection, bus stop addresses are not published on this website. This information is sent by School Messenger a few weeks before the start of school. For more information, call the Transportation Department at 616.878.6496.

The bus garage is located at 8542 Byron Center Avenue.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are bus stops the same every year? No. While stops are fairly consistent from year to year, changes may be made based on student enrollment.

My child left an item on the bus. How do I get it back? Items will be held on the bus and may be claimed by the student. If an item is needed before the student rides the bus again, please contact the Transportation Department at 616.878.6496 to make pick-up arrangements. Unclaimed items are donated to area missions twice a year.

My child's bus is crowded. How will this be corrected? Our fleet has 65 and 77-passenger buses. This means three to a seat. We appreciate that this may feel crowded, however; it is not a situation which would necessitate correction. If however, a bus is overloaded, we will work to correct the situation by October 1.

Can my child have a friend ride to school or home with him? We do not allow students to bring friends home for parties, scouts, church events, homework/study, sleepovers, etc. It is the parent's responsibility for this type of transportation.

The bus passes my house. Why can't you stop and pick up my child? We do pass most homes in the district. There are approximately 2,550 students. Each bus stop takes at least 30 seconds; time does not permit stopping at each house. 

If my child is absent from school, do I need to notify transportation? If your child is the only one at a bus stop, it would be appreciated.

Can my student bring his large band instrument or project on the bus? It is Michigan State Law that all carry-ons must be held by the students. If an instrument cannot fit on the student's lap, it cannot be transported on the bus. 

My child is in kindergarten. Will the bus pick my child up in front of my house? There are no laws or regulation for transporting regular education students enrolled in kindergarten.

Is there a law about how far my child has to walk to the bus stop? No law specifies the maximum distance a student may walk to the bus stop.

What are the other factors involved in establishing where the school bus stops? There are many factors which should be taken into consideration when school administrators establish the placement of a bus stop. The primary concern is visibility of the bus and the consideration of stopping distances necessary for other motor vehicles in order to accomplish safe loading and unloading of children. In general, state law requires 400 feet of clear and continuous visibility on a highway where the speed limit is over 35 mph and 200 feet where the speed limit is less than 35 mph.

Procedures and Guidelines

Transporting students on school buses is a service for eligible students; therefore, it is necessary to keep the following conditions in mind:

Schools of Choice students are not eligible for transportation unless they are registered at a licensed daycare or a family member's home that is within the school boundary. Due to liability, School of Choice students will not be allowed to walk from outside of the district to a bus stop.

Byron Center school buses will not go down a cul-de-sac street. Students must walk out to catch the bus at the closest assigned stop.

Appropriate student conduct must be maintained in order to assure safe transportation for all students. Please refer to the rules link above.

Designated pickup and drop-off points defined by the Transportation Department must be adhered to in order to continue an efficient transportation system. The district cannot accommodate a personalized service for each student due to the complexity of the system and the effects multiple changes can make on the route and schedule. Each student will be picked up and dropped off at their assigned bus stop.

According to Byron Center Public Schools Transportation Guidelines, we will accommodate day variant requests but cannot accommodate week variances. Students shall not be permitted to use any other bus without prior permission from the Director of Transportation. Transportation to an alternate location must be approved by the Transportation Director and is for emergency purposes only.

Byron Center Public Schools is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Students are advised to leave expensive items at home.

Child Care Pickup and Drop-off

A child care address must be provided in writing using the Child Care/Transportation Form link at the top of the page. Once submitted, this form goes directly to the Transportation Department. Please fill out this form each time your child care needs change. Please note: daycare must be in the boundary of the school your child is attending. A day variant is allowed but no week variant will be allowed. With more than 2,550 students transported each day, it is difficult to accommodate unexpected schedule changes; however, we will try to help out in an emergency, if possible.

Bus Routes

All bus routes, bus stops, and morning times will be sent via School Messenger a few weeks before school starts. For safety and privacy reasons, bus stops will not be published on the Internet. Only morning pick up times are sent. If the afternoon drop off time is needed, please call the Transportation Department at 616.878.6496.

Byron Center has a two-tier bus routing system. The first tier is for secondary schools. This run is picking up any eligible fifth through twelve graders who want to ride the bus. The second tier is for elementary schools. These routes pick up all eligible kindergartners through fourth graders. Byron Center buses also provide transportation for private school students. 

Please note that these are approximate times and that times and locations are subject to change. During the first week of school, buses may run late because of students getting acquainted with new surroundings. The transportation department and the driver will work through any changes needed in the bus run until it is efficient and timely. Parents will be notified of any major changes by the transportation department via a note home to parents or phone call. Once a run has been established and all kinks are worked out, the bus driver will maintain a reliable schedule. Of course, traffic, bad roads and weather will play a major part in staying on schedule.

Toni Jones, Transportation Director